We are a community-run co-working and event space, which means all commoners (= all members of the CHB) contribute with time and money to the space so it can exist and thrive, it is pleasant to use, clean and accessible. What unites us is the belief that running a space as a common gives us access to a community: we do this because we care, about each other, about creating a social and caring economy and about having a nice place to gather and meet.

As in any common, we need a coordination system with clear rules and agreements, with clear boundaries and transparency. (see notes of fish game)

The CHB economy helps us to

How to get started?

The CHB is for committed members only (and their communities)

To join the CHB, you become a member:

💰Pick a membership plan based on how often you use the space. This money supports the community to pay the rent and costs of the space.

Supporter Shifter Coworker One-day coworking
(or €100/year) (incl . VAT) + 3 CHT/year €100/month*(excl. VAT) + 10 CHT/month €250/month*(excl. VAT) + 3 CHT/month €25/day (incl. VAT)€220/10day pass (incl. VAT)€100/week (incl. VAT)
✔️ 1 shift per year
✔️ discount on paid events/trainings**
✔️ 30% discount renting rooms
✔️voting rights ✔️ 3 hours shift work per week✔️ discount on paid events/trainings**✔️ voting rights✔️ 24/7 access to coworking✔️ 8 hour use of meeting room per month ✔️ 3 hours shift work per month✔️ discount on paid events/trainings**✔️ members directory✔️ voting rights✔️ 24/7 access to coworking✔️8 hour use of meeting room per month✔️ locker ✔️ no shift✔️ coffee/tea✔️ great wifi✔️ great people :-) ✔️ 8 hour access per day

By becoming an active member, you receive benefits