This system sets in place a clearer structure within the CHB community.
We are all crew.
Rewarding time and money contributions to the CHB
➡️ Situation 1: You invest(ed) money
If you are a financial contributor and you invested between 2k and 10k in the CHB …
This money is considered a prepayment for future use of the space.
- You can rent the second floor spaces with a 30% discount for events, and use your prepayment
- You can sign up as member by choosing a plan and paying monthly membership fees (and time contribitions) which will be deducted from your prepayment (as a coworker you also get 30% discount on the event spaces).
- You can decide to park your money, and it will become a share in the cooperative that will be set in place by December. In this case you sign up for one of the plans.
- In case you never show up, nothing happens, your money goes into the coop as a share.
- In case you do not contribute time (👉 situation 2 or 3) you do not receive voting rights (in the form of CHT tokens)
- Minimum requirement to receive CHT: membership plan of 10 euros/month
- Minimum requirement to vote: 5 tokens (or 5 hours of contribution)
- Minimum requirement to make proposals: 10 CHT (or 15 hours of contribution to the CHB)
➡️Situation 2: You invest(ed) time and money
If you invested time and money in the space AND you are actively involved in the community
- The money investment is considered a prepayment for future use of the space. You will receive a 30% discount when using the space.As an active member you will also need to choose a monthly membership plan (for more details see 👆🏼)
- For contributing time: for every hour you spend on the CHB, (setting up basic structure and being physically in the space helping out) you receive CHT (commons hub governance token), which gives you voting power over proposals.
- Time spent between May 1st and September 1st will be logged retroactively and exchanged for CHT (see process later).
- Depending on the plan you picked, you do your shifts, which will also give you tokens.