Happy New Year!! 🥳

Dear courageous commoners

The temperature in Brussels has finally dipped below zero—we’re in the heart of winter. ❄️ The Brussels Christmas market is enjoying its final days, and the Commons Hub, after a two-week winter pause, is slowly coming back to life. We're gearing up for an exciting January, filled with new beginnings: New Year’s drinks, a two-day immersive leadership training, a gathering of the Flemish Buurland community, and a variety of offerings on Regenerative Fridays.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Commons Hub in 2025. May this new year be filled with new connections, a sense of community and belonging, and many new learning on how to manage common resources in Brussels.

State of the Common: how is the Commons Hub doing?

Right before our short wintersleep, we took time to reflect and take a deep dive into the first 6 months of the Commons Hub. We looked back and shared our dreams for the future.


Some numbers 🎭 we hosted 28 events

👥 we welcomed nearly 2000 visitors (!)

🤩 we onboarded 28 members/supporters and 15 regular coworkers 👩🏼‍💻

💸 we have 17 individuals and 2 organisations that are supporting us financially

🤝 we built partnerships with 18 organisations

🌸 we organised 7 regenerative Fridays and community rituals

⭕️ we had 30 heartbeat meetings (weekly on Monday) 🥗 we did 7 open community lunches (weekly on Friday)

Curious about the full report? View it here

State of the Common December 2024.jpg

Upcoming events

We publish all events on this calendar. If you register, you will receive an e-mail notification for every upcoming event.

Feel very welcome to become a member and enjoy priority access for using the space and receive discounts on the events happening at the Commons Hub.